The Tokyo Marui High Capa5.1 is one among the foremost famous airsoft handguns available. it’s essentially a double stacked 1911; the breakdown and therefore the operation remain about an equivalent. The functional grip safety and ambidextrous slide safety make its operation safe for all users. The rear sight is adjustable for improved accuracy and private preference. Although the gun is made primarily from plastic there is a good range of accessories and after-market parts for this gun. The user can modify it into a tactical gun for the sector or into a race gun for competition. This airsoft gun has the well-established operation of the 1911 with the benefits of a double-stacked magazine. This gun may be a must-buy for the beginner or the enthusiast.
With 2019 coming to an end, let’s help airsoft grow bigger than ever before! If you are getting started, trying …
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